Friday, April 15, 2011

Latest Google Updates Sends A Shiver Down Many A Spine

Unless you live in a cave or under a rock then you are probably aware of the so-called Google Panda Update (also known as the Farmer Update). Anyway this update has shaken the search engine world to its core. A lot of major sites have in essence been given the dreaded Google Slap but more of that later on.
Closer to home (home being the internet marketing world) the panda update has cause quite a significant shuffle to the contenders vying for the coveted Google Page One listing for the keyword term, make money online.
The biggest loser that I recognized has been the marketing wunderkind otherwise known as the The Kid Blogger. The Kid Blogger’s blog had retained the coveted page one listing and indeed the crème de la crème spot of being the first and foremost listing on Google for the keyword make money online for at least the last 4 years.
Thus it comes with considerable shock (not least of all I am sure to The Blogger Kid himself) that his blog has been dramatically G-slapped all the way down to Page Five for the term! Why this has happened I cannot really say but then again since I am not above wanton speculation I will say my 2 cents’ worth.
Lately I have noticed that there has been more than usual activity on the Blogger Kid’s blog with respect to posting. Now conventional wisdom would suggest that The Notorious Goog would appreciate new content and reward its author with enhanced exposure on the SERPs for various keywords. But we all know about conventional wisdom and its ilk…don’t we?
From personal experience I know that Google tend s to have an illogical and negative knee-jerk reaction to a flurry of posting activity especially when it follows a general period of little to no activity. The negative aspect of this knee-jerk reaction is to have your website or blog temporarily demoted on the search engine indexes but usually after a couple of days one’s listing bounces back and more often than not your listing would have even been promoted!
This has happened to me several times. I start reposting to a previously senescent blog that mysteriously but invariably had somehow ascended the Google Index for multiple keywords with its inevitable influx of increased web traffic, to have it viciously slapped down for those multiple keywords on the SERPs. Strange huh? You go figure. But this has happened often. However as I said the system usually recalibrates itself and my blog regains its prior exposure on the SERPs in a day or two, but more often than not it finds itself better listed for those targeted keywords. Just a hiccup in the system!
As so often happens there is always an exception to the rule. Whenever my website has been G-slapped for multiple keyword terms, there is one keyword that I have never, ever lost placement or ranking for. I have listed on Google Page One for this term for the last five years and indeed most often I have been the very top and foremost listing. And thus alas I think that the Kid Blogger is in a more precarious situation than a mere recalibration of the system. Me doth believe he is one of the many victims of the Panda Update. But why really did his blog fall from grace?
Deadly Execution By Chrome Users
Well apparently the expansion of the Panda Update included data from Chrome users who had availed themselves of the option of blocking certain sites they were dissatisfied with for a particular search. When I read about this my first reaction was one of alarm because the first thing that springs to mind is the opportunity for abuse! Imagine a community of marketers ganging up on you and spreading the word that fellow marketers should block your website listing on their browser?
Deadly stuff huh? Luckily this feature only works with Google’s own Chrome browser and seeing that only 13% of my web traffic is via Chrome users I am not unduly worried? Besides I think that market-minded individuals are more likely to use the FireFox browser because honestly it is a better browser…anyway as far as I am concerned!
Do You Need To Pay Homage To Google To Stay On Top?
Anyway comparing the Kid Blogger’s demoted blog to the number one listing for the keywords make money online and make money I noticed a very significant difference. Aside from the fact that www.101waystomakemoney is heavily keyword stuffed with 52 occurrences of the keyword make money on its homepage, they also have a rather heavy presence of Google Adsense Ads! Perhaps that is the big mistake that the Kid Blogger made, not paying due homage to the search deity that was sending him all that web traffic.
After all, if as some people contend, that the Panda Update was targeting websites with a heavy advert presence then if such were the case 101waystomakemoney would have been equally demoted because it has even more Ads than Kid Blogger’s blog! But the guys at 101waystomakemoney were wise enough to appease the search engine god by ensuring that Google profited from the immense web traffic that their excellently-listed blog gets by plastering it with more than enough Adsense Ads that ensured that Google turned a blind eye to their keyword stuffing scheme and whatever else.
Interestingly enough some of the Panda Update ripples that support this theory are the manner in which The Goog increased exposure and visibility of its 2 websites, and while viciously G-slapping Yahoo’s Associated Content website resulting in an 82% drop in visibility and exposure to that site!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Above Average Web Hosting Features

There’s not doubt that there are several good web hosting companies to be had across the internet but when you are looking at excellent webhosts, well that’s an all together different story.

Fine then let’s go on and distinguish what differentiates a amazing web host from another that is simply merely good! The appropriate and easiest way to perform that is certainly by listing the specifications that generally characteristic and typical of each and every one:

Features Of Good Webhosts

1. Uptime: The more significant the percentage of uptime the better. Basically uptime identifies the duration when typically the webhosts server is up and running; at such times any blogs or websites hosted on that server shall be accessible to anyone online. Conversely in those instances when server is down the opposite is true.

Any decent web host should certainly guarantee a server uptime for a minimum of 97%. The superior web hosting services can typically guarantee 99% server uptime.

2. Support: This particular feature is pretty self-evident. Good support is immeasurably valuable and good 24/7 support is priceless. Any decent web hosting company should at least 24/7 support but unfortunately most webhosts cannot deliver with this one.

3. Storage: Your storage needs are sure to depend on the kind of blog or website you are hosting. Generally business and commerce sites generally require greater storage requirements than say a personal blog. The best news though is that presently most decent web hosting services provide more than sufficient storage requirements for even the most basic of plans!

4. Bandwidth: This is actually the measure of dataflow across your site or blog. Nowadays ascertaining the volume of bandwidth you may want is a lot trickier than it used to be as a result of social media.

How so?

Well during days gone by had you wished to host a personal blog it was highly unlikely that you would exceed any bandwidth restrictions. All things considered what number of people do you honestly think value what time you woke up or whatever you had for breakfast?

However because of the advent of social media a witty well-crafted post could attract a tsunami of web traffic to your young blog. As is often the case if your webhost plan does not accommodate such bandwidth use in that case your blog will crash from the deluge of traffic!

Yet again, vast numbers of webhosting companies boast “unlimited bandwidth” but you will find very few that truly deliver on such a claim without adding on some jacked-up fee!

5. Cost: There is not much to go into here except that presently good website hosting shouldn’t and generally doesn’t cost an-arm-and-a-leg! Believe it or not at under $7/month there isn't any good reason you should fail to get excellent webhosting.

6. E-mail: Yeah, yawn! Everybody at the moment offers hundreds (or even thousands of POP3 addresses) but let’s be honest how many of us will ever get to use that number. However it’s better to have the option than not, but never let it function as the deciding factor for choosing one webhost over the next.

Any and every half-decent webhost will present to you a greater quantity of email addresses than you could possibly ever need so don't let this factor influence your choice!

If you are interested in seeing all the features of a great web host click the following link: web hosting

Easy Way To Get Web Traffic For Free

How To Get Web Traffic Easily

Let’s kick off by asking the obvious question of why do you need web traffic to run a successful internet business? Well that’s a no-brainer really. You see online traffic amounts to the same thing as people entering your store if it happened to be offline.

This evidently means that if your store is not getting any visitors then there is no way you are going to make money at all! If you think of your web site as an online store and web traffic as people coming to your online store then you know that you really cannot get by without it. That’s why web traffic is described as the lifeblood of any internet business.

Okay let’s look at some of the ways to attract online traffic to your website but before we do that let me talk a little about the kind of web traffic you need to get. Why? Because not all internet traffic is equal and frankly there is really no point in salving away to get web traffic that just exits your website as soon as it gets there.

So the very first step in launching your web traffic campaign is conducting proper keyword research to ensure that you are actually attracting the kind of people to your blog who are willing to spend cold hard cash. To get those kind of people you need to target keywords with high conversion rates. This simply means you need to optimize your website for very specific keywords.

Thus for example let us look at the make money online market. If you do your keyword research properly you will soon realize that the keyword money has several thousand searches a day, however that said this is not the type of keyword you wish to target. Why? Because it is way too ambiguous! When a person types in the keyword money in a search engine they could be looking for anything remotely connected to the term money and not necessarily looking to learn how to make money online.

Besides another drawback to optimizing for a non-specific keyword term like money despite the fact that it gets a ton of daily online searches is that it has an extremely high difficulty level and will literally take forever before you ever even get the first trickle of web traffic from it!

So you need to target a more specific kind of web traffic one that is interested in making money online assuming your online business is all about getting internet money and teaching people how to go about it. With that in mind the kind of keyword you would wish to optimize for to get better conversion rates from your web traffic would be more target-specific keywords like make money or make money online etc. There’s a lot more involved with conducting accurate keyword but this article is not really about keyword research but web traffic so let’s move on.

Ways To Get Web Traffic

Okay as previously mentioned there are multiple ways to get web traffic and here’s a list of some of them:

1. Organic Web Traffic (traffic from the search engines)
2. Internet traffic from article writing
3. Online traffic from social media websites
4. Web traffic from forums
5. Getting web traffic by posting comments on blogs that get a lot of web traffic and allow the inclusion of links
6. Online traffic utilizing video
7. Web traffic through the use of images
8. Paying for internet traffic

These are just a few but probably the most common ways to get web traffic and each type has its own merits. I am not a big fan of getting web traffic though paid advertisements because it can get really expensive really fast with mixed results. But of course if you have the budget for this type of online traffic then go for it because you will attract online traffic to your website almost immediately!

 The Action of Search Is the First Step In the Act of Persuasion

What many people do not realize is that when a person types in a search term online, then assuming that they are looking for a solution to a problem, they have just covered the first parameter in successful persuasion. This is because that persons defenses are somewhat lessened because they are open to suggestion and advise in order to find a quick resolution to their predicament.

Basically what this means to your as an owner of an online business is that this type of web traffic is more likely to accept your advice and thus ultimately are more likely to pay money to get the resolution they so desperately seek.

As I mentioned not all web traffic is equal and in fact the manner in which you attract that online traffic determines the way in which you court it to achieve your ultimate goal. For example if you are getting web traffic through social media websites you are going to have more interaction with your visitors before they pay the scantiest attention to you. This means that you cannot just saunter over to a social media website slap up a few banner ads (or whatever type of ad) and hope that you will be able to siphon some of the immense web traffic to be found on social media websites like FaceBook.

The bottom line is that every method to get web traffic has its challenges and you need to discover which one best suits your purposes. Let’s look at organic web traffic which is nothing more than online traffic that originates from people searching on the search engine indexes. Yes, this kind of traffic is free and another excellent selling point about this kind of web traffic is that once you start getting it then unless you are bounced off the indexes for any reason you will continue reaping its rewards with no further input form you!

The downside of organic web traffic is that it is extremely difficult to get especially if you are a contender in a highly competitive market. That said though you should always strive for this kind of online traffic (that’s the point of SE optimization after all) because as just mentioned it is passive traffic that is not only free it doesn’t require any further input on your part unlike social media web traffic that requires constant interaction with your followers!

There are some topics that lend themselves well to web traffic generated via images and the selling point here is that if you SE optimize your images well they will ascend up the search engine indexes far faster than a webpage listing. Now one thing you need to understand is that there’s an art to getting relevant traffic from images. Don’t expect to get web traffic that converts into cash from an image optimized with a highly searched for keyword (with a low difficulty level) that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of you blog or website.

Yes you will get web traffic from that image but it will bounce off your site just as soon as it gets there. So not only will you get nothing from that source of traffic you will get little if any search engine benefit because the engines will note that such online traffic is exiting your site as soon as it gets there and hence is valueless!

On a final note, if you wish to make money online you need to get web traffic and if you wish to make a lot of money online you need to get a lot of traffic! This is what distinguishes a successful internet business from the many that fail.

Here's how I get web traffic